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Herbal Allies: Sage


How to identify?

There are over 700 different species of sage in the world. Some of these will vary in colour and scent, however the most common sage we come across and would find in our local garden centres here in the UK grow to roughly 2 feet tall, making them a medium sized hardy evergreen perennial herb. Their leaves are thick, downy and slightly pointed, with semi woody stems and a very distinct almost lemony scent.

History and folklore

Sage has a rich history of uses from across the world. In ancient Rome, it was referred to as the holy herb, the romans would use it to burn, to clean their teeth with and believed it could help with the function of memory. Here in England, Celtic lore tells us that Sage was thought to grant immortality and so every day in the month of May, Sage would be eaten with the hopes that eternal life would be bestowed upon you. Sage is seen as a wise herb with strong healing properties for the body and soul.

"Sage is singularly good for the head and brain, it quickeneth the senses and memory, strengtheneth the sinews, restoreth health to those that have the palsy, and taketh away shakey trembling of the members."

-Gerard, English Herbalist

Folklore tells us that sage grows abundant in the garden of a well managed home, it increases psychic abilities, clears the air of negativity and the health of the plant will be a representation of your own businesses and finances.

Common uses today

Sage is very popular in culinary use and can be found in most stores as a dried variety. Its also popular to use sage in smudging – Smudging with bundles of sage is believed to release negative ions, which can cancel out positive ions that can have an impact on our health, this includes pet dander, dust and mould. Smudging can be beneficial for those with asthma or respiratory problems although it should be noted that the initial smoke may be an irritant. Spiritually, smudging is used to ‘clear the air’ within the home. It can release negative energies from yourself, or others who have been in your home, it can be used ritually to allow time to solve problems, enhance intuition and connect to the spiritual realm. There are many different types of smudging bundles that can be used and not all contain sage, however sage is believed to be one of the most effective. Medicinally, sage contains volatile oil, which serves as an antiseptic, antibiotic, vermifuge and it is a member of the Lamiaceae family. (This means that the sage plant is powerful as an expeller of parasites, useful in topical applications and a member of the mint family)


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